CodeRED Emergency Notification
Emergency Notification Via CodeRED
Richland County now utilizes CodeRED as a system to alert residents and businesses during an emergency. This Mass-Notification system allows us to almost instantly alert large and specific areas of an emergency disaster, such as a HAZMAT emergency, town evacuation, Wildfire threat, contaminated water, etc.
Utilizing CodeRED, emergency officials may quickly and easily reach residents through a variety of ways, including:
Utilizing CodeRED, emergency officials may quickly and easily reach residents through a variety of ways, including:
- Cell Phone - Voice, Text, or Emergency Message
- Landline Phone - Via Voice Message
- Social Media
- EAS - Emergency Alert System via Radio, NOAA Radio, or Cable Provider

Please click the Image below to Sign Up for Richland County CodeRED Emergency Notifications
Sign Up Instructions
When signing up for CodeRED, you will come to a page where you can either create an account or enroll as a guest. We recommend creating an account as you can easily monitor your settings in the future.
The last page will provide the numbers Alerts will be received from. THIS IS IMPORTANT. Please add these numbers to your contacts under a name that is easily identifiable such as:
- You will be asked to provide your info and address. This is so when we sent an Alert to a specific location, it will pick your location and notify you if the emergency is in your area.
- Your phone number will allow us to send voice or text alerts to your phone.
- For Hearing Impaired, please select "TDD/TYY device" otherwise please leave this unselected.
- Your email will allow us to send Alerts to Email to further reach residents with important Emergency Alerts.
- General Alerts: Are non Emergency alerts that may be sent out for information or notification.
- Optional Weather Alerts: Are alerts sent by the Weather Service and provide information regarding the weather.
The last page will provide the numbers Alerts will be received from. THIS IS IMPORTANT. Please add these numbers to your contacts under a name that is easily identifiable such as:
- 866-419-5000 "Richland Emergency Alert"
- 855-969-4636 "Richland General Notification"
- 800-566-9780 "Richland Weather Warning Alert"
Data Privacy
CodeRED is a service of Emergency Communications Network which takes security and privacy very seriously. They will not sell, trade, lease or loan any data residents supply to any third parties. Your data provided will only be used for emergency notifications.
How to Register For Emergency Notifications
You may register for CodeRED Emergency Notifications for Richland County by clicking on the image above, or by following the following link:
Click Here to Register for CodeRED Notifications
Click Here to Register for CodeRED Notifications
Annual Testing
Currently we are developing a plan to test our system annually. We will test both the Emergency Alert and General Notification systems.
We will notify everyone prior to testing the system to make sure it is recognized.
We will notify everyone prior to testing the system to make sure it is recognized.
Questions & Help
If you have any questions or need assistance signing up for notifications, please feel free to contact the Emergency Management office at (406) 433-2220