Water Well Information
The Groundwater Information Center (GWIC) is the central repository for information on groundwater resources in Montana. Through the GWIC website, private well owners can access well-completion reports from drillers, measurements of well performance, water-level measurements at various wells, and water-quality reports for thousands of samples. The database at GWIC are continually updated with new data from driller's logs and research projects from various agencies across the state.
Water Well Testing
The Environmental Health Office has partnered with the Montana State University Well Educated Program to provide private well owners with materials to sample their well water. Please contact the Environmental Health Office for supplies or visit the Water Well Testing website for fact sheets, educational videos, and additional information.
Local Contact Information for Public Water
Residents within the City of Sidney and the Town of Fairview are connected to the municipal public water supply. These water supplies are required to conduct regular water quality monitoring. Therefore, private testing of these sources is not necessary. To contact these water systems, use the following information:
City of Sidney Public Works
City of Sidney Public Works Website
Town of Fairview
Email Town of Fairview
Updated June 2023
City of Sidney Public Works
City of Sidney Public Works Website
Town of Fairview
Email Town of Fairview
Updated June 2023